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How to Pack for Summer Camp

Summer is an exciting time for kids. After two tough semesters of school, they finally get a break from studying, writing papers, difficult arithmetic, and being stuck inside a classroom. 

While it seems like it could be a chance for children and parents to get a break, summer can end up feeling just as busy as the school year. From sports camps to vacations, you might not really slow down at all. 

One of the most exciting weeks of a busy summer is summer camp. Whether it’s their first summer camp or their tenth, they probably can’t wait to meet new friends, learn skills, and enjoy the fun activities. However, what can be lost in the buzz is remembering to pack their bags. 

High Peak Is the Perfect Place for a College Ministry Getaway

College is one of the most formative experiences in a person’s life. There is a misconception that it is a time in a person’s life for taking a break from faith and potentially even walking away altogether. 

For many, however, it is a time when young adults find that their faith strengthens and really becomes their own. It is a time of growth and discipleship for those that get involved in college ministry. 

If you are a college ministry leader, you have probably seen the spiritual growth of countless students. The challenge is that you only have your students for so long, typically two to four years. 

To maximize the value of the retreat experience, it is vital to find ways to facilitate community. One of the ways to jumpstart relationships is by hosting a college ministry retreat or getaway. 

For many college ministries in and around Colorado, High Peak Camp is the perfect college ministry retreat destination. Here are a few tips for planning a great college ministry retreat at High Peak in Estes Park. 

Five Reasons High Peak is the Perfect Place to Host Your Group

Everyone needs a break. We all need to step away from the pressures and stresses of our daily lives and escape to somewhere beautiful and quiet. If you’re a pastor, church group leader, corporate manager, student minister, or the leader of a civic group, the people with whom you work are all struggling with various challenges and would benefit from a retreat to nature. 

Estes Park has the right balance between wilderness and civilization. There are numerous restaurants and shops to enjoy throughout town. At the same time, we are on the doorstep of Rocky Mountain National Park. 

High Peak Camp is a summer camp and retreat center located in Estes Park. Our facility is just minutes from downtown and adjacent to RNP. Here are five reasons why you should host your group getaway at High Peak. 

Six Reasons to Have Your Corporate Retreat at High Peak

The last few years have been a roller coaster for businesses of any size. Whether you have a small team or a large staff, it has been a tough time to know what to expect on behalf of your employees. One moment it seems that businesses will fail en masse, while other times, it feels like you are more successful than ever. 

With all the ups and downs commercial entities have had through the pandemic and subsequent supply chain issues, you deserve a round of applause just for staying open and serving your community.

Many of those who did make it through have seen exponential growth. If you're still operating at this point, you are likely thriving. Owners and managers must be grateful for their dedicated employees and staff.

Whether you are searching for ideas to reward your employees or ways to bring them together, a corporate retreat could be the answer.