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High Peak Is the Perfect Place for a College Ministry Getaway

College is one of the most formative experiences in a person’s life. There is a misconception that it is a time in a person’s life for taking a break from faith and potentially even walking away altogether. 

For many, however, it is a time when young adults find that their faith strengthens and really becomes their own. It is a time of growth and discipleship for those that get involved in college ministry. 

If you are a college ministry leader, you have probably seen the spiritual growth of countless students. The challenge is that you only have your students for so long, typically two to four years. 

To maximize the value of the retreat experience, it is vital to find ways to facilitate community. One of the ways to jumpstart relationships is by hosting a college ministry retreat or getaway. 

For many college ministries in and around Colorado, High Peak Camp is the perfect college ministry retreat destination. Here are a few tips for planning a great college ministry retreat at High Peak in Estes Park. 


What Makes for a Good College Retreat

Wherever you host your college ministry retreat, there are some elements that are necessary for a great excursion. 

Proper Planning

An effective college ministry getaway necessitates proper planning and scheduling. We’re not saying you must account for every moment. 

In fact, there should be some downtime built into your trip, as that is often where important conversations will occur. However, too much downtime will lead to boredom, and boredom can have an adverse effect on your trip. 

Proper planning will include but not necessarily be limited to:

  • Timing: College students are busy but often more flexible than older adults with careers and young children. Still, you want to make sure you plan your retreat with plenty of time for marketing the event and giving students a chance to save the date.
  • Location: A great retreat is only as good as its location. You want to find a place with beautiful views that also strikes a balance between providing downtime and preventing boredom. 
  • Food: You’re going to have to plan for meals, whether you will be eating out or cooking on-site. Remember, college students are not necessarily independently wealthy and may be deterred by having to spend a lot of money on food. 
  • Lodging: You will have to plan for them to have somewhere to stay that makes everyone feel comfortable. You don’t want awkward situations. You also don’t want people to complain about uncomfortable or unclean bedrooms. 
  • Transportation: One of the ways you can help facilitate conversations and relationship-building is by taking care of transportation details. This may involve renting vans or a bus. 
  • Meetings: Determine your theme and communicate it to your group beforehand. This will help ensure they are ready to participate in discussions when you arrive at your retreat. 
  • Schedule: You want enough downtime for conversations to happen, but not so much people get bored. The key to striking this balance is effective scheduling. You don’t have to account for every second, but even when nothing is on the schedule, it’s still on the schedule. 
  • Activities: When you are not in a scheduled downtime, you want to take advantage of the activities your retreat center has to offer. 

Great Location

There is something about getting out in nature that helps break down barriers. In a beautiful place like the Rocky Mountains, you will often see community and relationships jumpstart over a crackling fire in view of some of the tallest mountains in the country. 

We’re also only minutes from downtown Estes Park, so your students can run into town for shopping, a great meal, and the chance to walk around a charming town that has views of the Rockies on every side. 

Good Food

You don’t necessarily have to have a foodie experience at your college ministry retreat, but people bond over good food. To have good food, you must prepare to have good food. However, eating out for every meal is not only expensive, but it’s time-consuming to get your group to and from a restaurant, which can limit some of your activity opportunities. 

High Peak Camp can provide access to a kitchen large enough to accommodate 300 people with affordable meal options. 

Fun Activities

High Peak camp provides college retreat students and leaders with activities your group will remember, including:

  • A climbing wall
  • Zip lining
  • Archery
  • Disc golf
  • Mini golf
  • Hiking 
  • Fishing
  • Broomball
  • Sports
  • Much more

Good Company

As a leader, if you want people to open up, you will need to open up yourself. You need to be good company. Relationships happen, and bonds form over campfires and while sitting out in nature. You may have some indoor meetings, but make sure you build in time to have and be good company while experiencing God’s creation. 

Why High Peak Is the Perfect College Ministry Getaway Location

When you’re planning your retreat and looking for the right location, you want to find a place with great natural beauty and the facilities you need. High Peak Camp has comfortable lodging, an abundance of amenities, and is surrounded by natural beauty. We would love to talk to you more about your college ministry getaway. Contact us today